Family & Friends

Sponsor a Student by Name

Your donation to IFEducation will go directly to the student in your family and friends to help them pay for college and set them up for success. 

When they return the loan to IFEducation, the funds are awarded to future students. 

Your tax deductible donation directly helps your loved one and many other students in your community. Give the gift that lasts to the ones you love. 

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Sponsoring a Student
from a Group / Interest

 Student applicants matching your criteria will be awarded your entire donation amount as a sponsored student loan. 

You can help students who share your interests and help them become successful with an interest free loan. 

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General Donation to Fund our Students

These donations will go to eligible students on our waiting list regardless of who they are and where they are studying. 

This type of donation is needed to keep IFEducation strong enough to help everyone who applies and qualifies for a student loan. 

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